Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

12 August 2010

Unbalanced Fuchsia

unbalanced fuchsiaNine weeks after the last stopping, this fuchsia is in full bloom, The first flowers appeared bang on time, at eight weeks almost to the day (8 weeks for singles; 12 weeks for doubles). But things have never gone quite right - It hasn't grown evenly and has always looked unbalanced.

If you remember, it was unbalanced from the start. Although I reduced the size of leaf on one side to try to even things up, this didn't really work: the stronger side kept strong.

It has been pinched out (stopped) 3 times, after each 2 pairs of new leaves. Since we started with 4 shoot buds (one per leaf), there should now be 256 flowering shoots (4x4x4x4). Some seem to have got lost somewhere - I think that's why the plant looks patchy - but I can't see where because the foliage is too dense.

Still, I suppose it doesn't look too bad. But I'll start with a more balanced plant in future.

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