Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

21 May 2010

Snailed Again

slug-chewed hostaI knew it! Something told me the other day to check the hostas for snail damage. I forgot. This is the result.

Once these leaves have opened out, they will look awful. So am going to remove them and hope for some re-growth. Don't know if they will re-grow. But I can live in hope.

So much for the prevention methods. Looks like it will be 'back to the drawing board'. Think I might dig up the hosta and put a couple of fuchsias there instead.

There is some possibility that it might not be snails: I have seen a couple of wood pigeons around recently. And the holes do look rather ragged, as if they have been torn, not chewed. But, having said this, there seems to be some slime on the back of the leaves, which would indicate slug or snail damage.

Always follow your instincts. They keep you in tune with your plants more than you might think. This has been my experience.

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