Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

11 May 2010

New Kids on the Block

tryphyllid fuchsiahardy bedding fuchsiaPicked up these two fuchsias over the weekend. I thought you might have had enough of geraniums (pelargoniums) for now (Don't worry, they will be coming back!).

I wanted to show you how I grow begonias (which, unlike geraniums, are partial-shade, moisture-loving plants). But with the season being so late, there might not be time, especially since I haven't planted most of them. Fuchsias can be handled in a similar way to begonias (they also love moist semi-shade) but they grow much quicker.

I must admit, fuchsias have never really appealed to me before. But, for some reason, my opinion is changing.

'Hawkshead' (right) is a hardy bush fuchsia (it can be left in the ground over winter) which grows to about 1 metre. There is a permanently-damp, semi-shaded (does not get the mid-day sun) spot in the front garden behind the wall, which should suit it just fine. But keeping it in the pot for a while yet, so we can get some growth.

'Gartenmeister Bonstedt' (left) is a dark salmon coloured, cluster-type triphylla hybrid (has long thin finger-like flowers) with bottle-green/purple foliage. It should also do quite well in a container.

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