Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

5 May 2010

Basil Re-Pot

basil ready for pottingAt long last basil has grown enough to be re-potted (basil was the first planting way back in March).

It really needs thinning out a little, but it is notoriously difficult to split up. So if I put it into a 10 cm (4 inch) pot, it should have plenty of room to spread out.

I think it must have been the cold temperatures which have made it grow so slowly. Still, at least we have some basil, even though I did have to germinate it in a propagator.

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