Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

24 June 2011

Small Geranium Leaves

small geranium leavesThese are leaves on the geranium I re-potted in March. (see 'Re-Potting Root-Bound? Geranium (Pelargonium)')

As the leaves gradually became smaller and paler, it seemed feeding might be necessary (plant had received no feed until about three weeks ago). I say this because plants reduce the size of their leaves in bright sunlight, so this could have been the cause (it's amazing that just one or two small leaves like these can support flowering).

However, as you can see, feeding has darkened the leaf colour, indicating it was necessary, and leaf size has slightly increased. I have been feeding 'Phostrogen' (14-10-27) at a pinch per half litre (should be 3 per litre) at every watering. Dark colour indicates even this could be too much. Might cut it down to every other watering and see what happens. A general basket feed (7-7-7) could be used, but this might cause long-jointed growth. 'Phostrogen' worked fine last year - it contains more nitrogen than a normal high potash feed such as tomato feed, so will not make the stems as woody.

Although it took the plant some while to get going after re-potting, probably because it was budding up for a flush of flowers, it has flowered extremely well and is just getting ready to start again.

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