Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

10 June 2011

Coriander 'Multi-Plant' Matted Root Trim

coriander matted roots at base of multi-plant cupThese matted coriander roots are on a plant from a 200ml plastic cup found under bench. Discarded when it began going to seed, it has not been watered for some time. Compost was virtually bone dry and foliage had almost - but not quite - gone. Original intention was to confirm Ken Pilkington's findings that 'Multi-Plant' (his name for a plant community in a pot) roots remain fine and fibrous, not thick and tap-root-like.

coriander matter roots removedAfter severing and removing matted base roots, plant was placed in a 4.5 inch pot of plain compost to same depth it was in 2.5 inch cup. Note how much inner compost is unused. Idea is to utilize this as well as new compost.

coriander after potting upI know photo is not very good, but a few flowers already forming on stems in pot. Should be interesting to see if it will revive (plants do not usually thrive if they have suffered a severe setback) and how efficiently it can produce flowers. I think a 'Multi-Plant' has great potential in this area (certainly has in the fuchsia area), capable of easily producing many flowers and seeds on relatively compact, stable plants.

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