Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

14 April 2011

Coriander Root: No Discussion

new severed coriander root Thought it strange what happened to that severed root. You know - the one in the plastic pot. So tried something else. Planted another pot, then severed all-but-one root, each in a different place and at a different stage: some before reaching pot bottom, others after. Not conculusive. But two things likely:
  • even though root was severed before it reached the bottom (so, presumably, before it came into contact with other roots), it is still apparently alive (white) after 8 days
  • relative to the control unsevered root, there seems to have been quite a check to growth on the other plants, even though they have developed good lateral root systems (however, as you can see, these roots have thrown good lateral roots above the cuts)
I wanted to see how much this check might be. Now we know. Since no contact between roots in this case seems likely (because I cannot see any), there's little chance it could have been fed by a neighbour. Probably being sustained by sugars present before it was severed. Anyway, at least we have seen the check to growth. So it hasn't all been in vain.

Pot been deliberately kept on dry side. So now want to see what happens once it's watered. Will extra lateral growth of severed roots allow them to catch up, in time? Let's wait and see....

P.S. Little change in condition of root in original pot.

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