Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

29 December 2010

Triphylla Fuchsias Do Not Like Cold

pathcy triphyllaJust a couple of weeks ago, things were looking up for the troubled triphylla fuchsia. It seemed to have recovered and was looking really healthy, though rather uneven. Now things don't look so good.

single leaf of patchy triphyllaAlthough the smaller leaves are not too bad, the larger ones seem to be losing green chlorophyll, giving them a rather insipid appearance. Cold can cause loss of chlorophyll, but they also seem to be dying back. So I'm not sure whether the problem is the cold, or the low day length and light levels (or both). However, it is well known that triphyllas do not like the cold.

Hopefully, things will improve if temperatures and light become more favourable. It will be interesting to follow developments. Funny how a few odd plants seem to suffer all the woes whilst others seem to sail through life. A bit like us, I suppose.

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