Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

5 October 2010

Preparing Geraniums for Winter

lanky geraniumThe geraniums (pelargoniums) in the house need preparing for winter. They have become lanky and ready for cutting back. We don't have to do this now; it is just to tidy up the plants. They should continue to flower throughout most of the winter (on a south-facing window sill), with perhaps a short break in December when the light is poor.

I stopped feeding them about a month ago to use up any spare feed in the compost. The paler leaves show this has now been achieved. A few dead or yellowing leaves are a good sign at this stage.

I always keep my plants much drier in winter, since growth will be slow. In fact, most plants enter a period of dormancy or semi-dormancy during this period and require neither feed nor water (giving this could prove fatal)

Whatever you do with geraniums in winter, do not let the stems remain wet for too long, or the surface of the compost become moist. Keep them in a dry atmosphere.

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