Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

10 June 2010

Ground Cover is Also Cool

If you have ever appreciated the cool shade of a large tree canopy on a hot summer's day, you need to understand that the soil feels the same way. A great way to keep it cool is to cover it up - preferably with plants. Cover it with anything opaque. But please cover it.

vinca flower Ground cover plants provide an excellent permanent solution. The periwinkle is rather attractive, don't you think? Or you could use ivy, or something similar. These plants will grow in any soil, in virtually any conditions.

Hot sun on bare ground causes exponential water loss, especially on darker compacted soils. Even though plants still use water, their cover reduces this loss by a colossal amount. Keeping the roots cooler also helps the plant perform better.

And there is another benefit, which will most certainly appeal: Many weed seeds (and other seeds, as well) do not germinate in shade. So covering ground reduces weeding. How about that for a benefit?

Of course, there is also a downside - slugs and snails like ground cover, too. Oh dear. Decisions, decisions.

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