Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

4 November 2010

Strip Geraniums Almost Bare

geranium stripped almost bareShortly after bringing the troubled geranium indoors, it became obvious that, even after spraying with fungicide, the leaves did not look healthy. So, because new leaves and buds were developing, I stripped plant almost bare of leaves and flowers, and re-treated with fungicide and insecticide ('Provado': thiacloprid, a systemic). Should really have done this earlier, but afraid of creating too much stress. Shall re-treat with fungicide ('Systhane') in a couple of weeks.

I ought to have made it clear I do not recommend bringing plants from the garden indoors, at least not without placing them in quarantine for a few days (preferably weeks) first. And I ought to have told you I have areas in my house kept for these purposes so I can strictly observe plants for a while.

If you remember, we took cuttings in August. These were for indoors. They're not only cleaner (because they have come from new growth), they don't need as much room either.

In a few weeks, we can take the shoot tips off this plant for cuttings. Removal of the apical (terminal) buds will encourage plant to branch, ready for next year. This way we 'kill two birds with one stone'. That's the theory, anyhow.

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