Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

1 July 2010

Planting a Cyclamen Corm

cyclamen cormThis cyclamen corm is beginning its fifth year. After flowering finished in May, it was dried off (as it stood, in the pot, complete with leaves), then removed from pot, and old dry compost carefully removed.

Cyclamen is one of those plants that do not like water on their crowns ('African Violet' is another). So when planting, crowns need leaving proud of the compost. In this case, I selected the smallest pot which would contain the corm, filled it with wetted multi-purpose, then worked corm gently into surface so compost level only slightly above roots.

Note: Compost should be wetted but not saturated (water should run out between fingers when squeezed in hand, then retract when released).

If you have a cool humid window (e.g. bathroom) which receives some morning or evening sun, this plant is ideal. I have had best results when kept cool (kitchen can get a bit too hot). It will then flower for about eight months. And it smells gorgeous.

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