Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

29 July 2010

Geranium Blotch

sunburn scorch on geranium leafIncessant wet weather is a real problem for containers. Most geraniums (pelargoniums) showing signs of leaf blotches on several leaves.

Although not absolutely certain (see update), don't think this is disease. Concentric scorch marks indicate sun scorch caused by hot sunshine shining though rain drops (which act as a lens).

Never seen them so large before, so not ruling out disease. But normal leaf blotch does not have the scorch rings. Shall have to wait and see.

dithane fungicideSprayed with 'Dithane' just in case. Might help. Hope it clears up soon (the weather, I mean).


Anonymous said...

Actually, The sun shining through water drops and acting as a lens, is an old gardening myth that just won't die. The concentric rings you see is from Early Blight..a disease.

Jimini said...

Thanks for the comment. I appreciate what you are saying and completely agree. Shortly after posting, I found a reference to fungal leaf spot which had an almost identical photo. I posted re this and placed a link ("see update") in this post. Sorry for any confusion.