Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

8 July 2011

Fuchsia Multi-Plant Now Doing Well

fuchsia multi-plantIt's taken long enough, I know. But the fuchsia multi-plant started last autumn is now doing well in its four inch (10 cm) pot . . . well, apart from a couple of plants, that is.

Begun with 9 shoot tip cuttings in a 2 inch (5cm) pot last autumn, all 9 are still with us. However, whilst seven plants are now growing at the same pace, as if they are all part of one plant, two of the plants are not growing so well. These two are not weak plants; they are just shorter after having stopped growing for a while after being stopped. Now they are growing, but not very evenly; one side shoot is growing whilst the other is not. I think I must have damaged some of the buds whilst taking out the tips. Should have left it a bit longer and done them all together.

I haven't stopped the rest of the stems yet. They now have about five nodes. Multi-plants are supposed to be self-branching. I hope they are.

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