Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

10 March 2011

Fleece Bad For Botrytis (Grey Mould): Myclobutanil Not Helped

botrytis (grey mould) is very bad on these overwintered geraniumsI have never seen botrytis (grey mould) as bad as this on overwintering plants. As you know, I covered them with a double layer of fleece (first time I had used it) late last autumn, just before the severe frosts. Although it helped the plants resist the frost, the trapped, moist, still, cold air provided ideal conditions for this air-borne disease.

I get some botrytis every year, though not to this extent. Of course, I can't say for sure that the fleece made it worse, because I can't be certain what it would have been like without it. I say this because the plants were put in late and had not had time to dry off properly before they were covered, although I did spray them with myclobutanil at storage. And before you say it, I know ventilation is necessary. But there is some ventilation, and giving more is just not an option in this case.

I'm disappointed - Having never treated my plants with anything at this time, I thought I was pretty safe. Live and learn.

P.S. All is not lost. Provided the geraniums can be cut back to clean stem, they will survive. But it is best to wait till new growth is well-established. Any open wounds at this time is asking for trouble.

Next year I will dry the compost off even more before storage. I would have done it last year, but the pots were out in the soaking rain for too long at the end of the season. I'll have to try to cover them.

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