Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

1 May 2010

Time to Plant

buds on an over-wintered begonia tuberPlants in storage tell us when they are ready to return to the soil. The buds on this dry begonia tuber (overwintered in the garage) are telling us the time is right. This tuber will develop very quickly in damp (not wet) soil, especially since this soil will have warmed up considerably in the spring sunshine.

I like all plants to show some sign of life before attending to them. And because they grow more quickly than those planted earlier, there is less time for attack by slugs, fungi and the like. This makes growing more successful.

Normally I plant out my stored dahlias at this stage. I don't know why I put them in earlier this year - especially as the season has kept so cold. Well I do know - it was to get earlier growth. But, as I have said before, things catch up. I bet I haven't saved more than a few days.

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