Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

21 May 2010

Resisting the Heat

As tempting as it is during a spell of hot weather to rush out into the garden in the heat of the day and put in the bedding plants, we need to bear in mind one thing: Most plants do not like hot weather, especially when they are very young.

So, if you can restrain yourself 'till evening, when the sun is weaker, this is the best time to plant. But make sure everything has been well-watered first. And water again after planting.

But what if you just cannot wait? What if mid-day is the only time available?

Well, get yourself some sheets of newspaper, or kitchen towels (split each into 2 layers) and pop these over the top of the plants to keep off the hot sun, just for a few hours. It will work wonders. And you can wet them if you wish.

It's a pity newspapers look so unsightly, because they make a wonderful insulator for the soil, as they reflect the sun's rays. They are also porous, moisture-retentive and biodegradable. Yes, it really is a pity they are so unsightly.

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