Learning how to water plants to increase growth in pots, container or garden - especially how to water roots and tubers. Specialities: root growth or tuber growth of lawns, fuchsias, geraniums, dahlias and begonias.

7 October 2010

Problems with Early Autumn Pots

wireworm in compostPlanting out pots in early autumn, when the weather is warmer, can give them a head start. However, all is not plain-sailing, as seen with this wireworm snuggled up among the struggling pansy roots. And the pansies will also provide food for slugs, as well (I did see a tiny garden slug, but it had disappeared when I returned with my camera). It seems we just cannot win.

Since most livestock becomes inactive as the weather gets colder, there is an argument for leaving it till later before creating our spring masterpieces. This way, we can remove anything we come across and it will be less likely to return.

Hence, although the roots will have less time to develop, there should be more of them. My best pansy arrangements have been done in February with plants obtained from a garden centre (although care must be taken to harden them off - keeping close to the house during a frost-free spell is ideal). They come into flower a bit later, but provide a very good show.

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